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In a 2001 interview,, Inc. founder Jeff Bezos revealed his secret of dealing with stress, something which can help at least three-quarters of adults in the U.S.


What Happened: During the interview, Bezos said that in a particular case, laughter seems to be working as a stress-buster. “I think in my particular case I laugh a lot.”

发生了什么: 在采访中,贝索斯说,在特殊情况下,笑声似乎起到了缓解压力的作用。“我认为就我的特殊情况而言,我笑了很多。”

He then went on to explain that people often get stress “wrong” because it doesn’t stem from hard work. For example, a person can work hard without experiencing stress. However, being unemployed can cause significant stress.

然后他继续解释说,人们常常会 “错误” 地承受压力,因为压力不是源于辛勤工作。例如,一个人可以在不承受压力的情况下努力工作。但是,失业可能会造成很大的压力。

Similarly, an unemployed person who has been actively putting efforts like giving job interviews, can significantly reduces stress compared to passively worrying about the situation without taking action.


Jeff Bezos Made Over $7.9 Million An Hour Every Hour In 2023 — In Under 13 Minutes, He Brought In The Equivalent Of What The Typical Person Earns In A Lifetime

杰夫·贝佐斯在 2023 年每小时的收入超过 790 万美元——在不到 13 分钟的时间里,他带来的收入相当于普通人一生的收入

“Stress primarily comes from not taking action over something that you can have some control over,” Bezos said, adding, “If I find that some particular thing is causing me to have stress, that’s a warning flag for me; what it means is, there’s something that I haven’t completely identified perhaps in my conscious mind, that is bothering me, and I haven’t yet taken any action on it.”

贝索斯说:“压力主要来自于不对你可以控制的事情采取行动,” 他补充说,“如果我发现某件事导致了我的压力,那对我来说是一个警告信号;这意味着,在我的意识中,可能有一些我还没有完全识别出来的东西,困扰着我,而且我还没有对此采取任何行动。”

“As soon as I identify it, and make the first phone call or send up the first email message or whatever it is that we’re going to do to start to address the situation, even if it’s not solved, the mere fact that we’re addressing it dramatically reduces any stress that might come from it,” he advised.


Bezos concluded by saying, “So stress comes from ignoring things that you shouldn’t be ignoring, I think in large part.”


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